会期:2020年10月12日(月)13:00 〜 31日(土)23:59

オンラインギャラリーURL: https://cwaj-gallery.jp/prints_2020/


2020年10月9日(金)15:00 ~ 11日(日)23:59


" 2020 CWAJ Open Print Art Gallery "


Date & time:

start 13:00 Mon., 12 Oct. - until 23:00 Sun., 27 Oct. 2020


Online Gallery: https://cwaj-gallery.jp/prints_2020/

" JARFO マスク展 2020  面・仮面・覆面展 "






会場: JARFO 京・文博

京都府京都市中京区東片町623-1 京都府京都文化博物館別館



・JARFO 京・文博


" JARFO Mask Exhibition 2020  Mask - Masque - Disguise"


Date & time:

Wed., 7 July - Fri., 27 July. 2020, 11:00-18:00

*Lastday is close at 16:00.

*Close on Monday & Tuesday.

Venue:JARFO Kyou・Bunpaku

Sanjo-Takakura ,Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8183, Japan



・JARFO Kyou・Bunpaku


" 巡回展 ギャラリー悠玄 "



  • 火曜日~日曜日 17:00~24:00
  • 土曜日&日曜日 12:00~15:00 *Lunch Time
  • 月曜定休日

会場: ギャラリー悠玄







" Gallery Yugen"


Date & time:

Fri., 11 Sept. - Fri., 24 Sept. 2020, 11:00-18:00

  • tue. - sun. 17:00~24:00
  • sat & sun 12:00~15:00 *Lunch Time
  • Close on Monday

Venue:Gallery Yugen

489-2 Shimokawaramachi Higashiyamaku Kyoto JAPAN



・sherry-club kyoto


JARFOから 展覧会趣旨について

元来、Mask・マスクの原義は、Masque ・ 「道化者」を語源とし、「正体を覆い隠す」を意味する言葉でした。顔面に直接、彩色、コラージュで仮装したピエロ(道化者)を思い浮かべれば納得ができます。






最近ようやく、一見して、微笑むような、自分デザイン、自製形体のマスクを見かける機会が増えてきたように感じます。完全克服は、無理であり、今や、コロ ナとの共生の道が最大課題であり、単年度の解決は不可能と予測する専門家さえいる中で、私たちアートに関係するJARFOスタッフは、マスクを守備防具と してだけでなく外側に向かって元気力を発信する攻撃防具としてコロナの終息状況の如何にかかわらず、ハンカチーフのように常時携帯するマスク(面・仮面・ 覆面)のデザイン・形状公募を行い、公開展覧会を通じて社会に提案をすることで、この状況への一助を果たせればと、この企画をしました。


Message from JARFO

Due to the emergency of coronavirus, COVID-19, nowadays, men, and women of all ages, cover half their faces.
Originally, the meaning of the "mask" was masque, buffoon, "cover up the real character". Clowns disguise their faces painting it with different colors like a collage.
However, the mask currently used today has been given another meaning: it is used for virus protection preventing infection to and from others.

ツツミアスカ/Asuka Tsutsumi

ますく遊び/"Mask Play"

mixed media



Have we perhaps entered a situation in which one feels obliged to wear the mask and, consequently, be intolerant of those who do not?
The white masks, of standard shape, flatten the expressiveness of the face by depersonalizing and assimilating the individual to the mass.
Recently, however, there are more and more craft masks with an original and interesting design.


The complete overcoming of the pandemic, in the opinion of expert virologists, is still an uncertain prospect, a very long way. Which forces us to live with the virus.


JARFO staff engaged daily in the diffusion of art sees the mask not only as a defensive armor but also as a potential tool to transmit vitality.

Regardless of how the pandemic ends, it invites you to create mask designs (faces, masks, masks). Masks that belong to our daily life like a handkerchief to always keep close.


For these reasons, JARFO inaugurates a series of exhibitions dedicated to masks.sons, JARFO inaugurates a series of exhibitions dedicated to masks.


" ツツミアスカ 個展 ー旅の記憶と記録ー  "

" ツツミアスカ 個展 ー旅の記憶と記録ー  "






会場: ギャラリー恵風

〒606-8392 京都市左京区丸太町通東大路東入ル南側


オープニング・パーティー: 2/18(火)18:00〜






" Asuka Tsutsumi Solo Exhibition

-Record and memory of trip-"


Date & time:

Tue., 18 Feb. - Sun., 1 Mar. 2020, 12:00-19:00

*Lastday is close at 18:00.

*Close on Monday 2/24.

Venue:Gallery KEIFU

Marutamati-dori Higashioji higashi-hairu minamigawa, sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 6068392, Japan


Opening Party: 2/18 tue. 18:00〜



・Gallery KEIFU